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When it comes to marketing your business and brand, there’s one thing that people are really interested in: you. Whether you’re a small business or a sole trader, it’s vital to let customers or potential employees get to know who you are as a person. And there’s no better way to introduce yourself than by vlogging for business.

Here’s how vlogging could help your business, and how you can get started.

Why is Vlogging for Business So Important?

While all forms of social media posts are beneficial for personal branding, video stands out as one of the most important. According to Social Films, brand recall from video is 85% higher than from text. The same study showed that 93% of companies surveyed had gained new customers from video marketing.

So why is video so effective when it comes to building your brand?

Essentially, people just enjoy watching videos more than any other form of marketing. One recent study showed that video is consumers’ number one favourite type of content to see on social media.

Not just any old generic video will do, though. Invideo says that the most popular and effective video marketing is personal, entertaining, and authentic. In fact, 88% of consumers say they choose which brands to support based on authenticity alone — which is where vlogging comes in. A personal touch makes you seem more trustworthy and helps you stand out in a sea of bland marketing content. There’s a reason why influencers are so… influential, after all.

How to Get Started with Vlogging for Your Business

Creating video for your business can seem like an overwhelming endeavour. However, the good news with vlogging is that all you really need is yourself and a camera.  That said, there are a few top tips you should bear in mind when getting started:

Keep it short and sweet

Videos of 2 minutes or under get the most engagement. Anything longer than that and you’ll find your audience’s interest waning.

Steer clear of scripts…

Scripted vlogs can come across as stale and boring, especially if you’re reading a script to camera. Remember that the process is about giving a face to your business to help build trust, so all you have to do is be yourself.

…but do get to the point

On the other hand, make sure you know what you’re going to talk about so you capture the audience’s attention in the first few seconds. If you don’t state the purpose of your video to begin with, people are likely to switch off. #norambling

Use captions

Did you know that 92% of consumers watch videos with the sound off? So captions are vital when it comes to getting your message across. They also ensure your videos are accessible.

Have a sense of humour

According to HubSpot, 24% of marketers say that funny content is most likely to go viral. Don’t stress too much, though; you don’t have to be the next big TikTok star. But having a sense of humour makes you and your brand seem more personable and approachable.

Encourage engagement

Vlogging works so well for business because it helps customers form real connections with you and your company. These connections breed trust and brand loyalty. So try to encourage engagement with your vlogging; ask questions, set funny challenges, use polls, and be responsive in the comments — anything you can do to show customers that you value their input too.

Be consistent

Sporadic vlogging won’t build rapport and authentic relationships with your audience, so try to post as regularly as possible (once a week is best). Consistency also makes social media and search engine algorithms happy, meaning more potential customers are likely to be shown your videos.

Business Vlogging and DB Charles

Here at DB Charles, I’m a proud business vlogger and can often be found sharing recruitment insights and news on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook — come on over for a chat! Alternatively, get in touch today to learn more about my business and recruitment solutions.  I look forward to talking with you.